The UTERUS is connected to the CERVIX. The cervix is connected to the VAGINA!

So what did y’all think of the videos I posted last week???  I know at least one of you took a breath of relief  🙂  Well now I want to spend some time talking about all the different parts of the body and what they do.  I will start with the internal (inside) female anatomy (girls/women).  Next week I will explain the external (outside) female anatomy.  And don’t worry,  I haven’t forgotten about the guys.  The following week I will explain male (men) anatomy.  I have chosen fairly simple pictures and will also try to explain them as simply as possible.  There is definitely a lot more going on with the body but these are the basics.  But please, if you have more questions just ask!!!!







Internal (inside the body):

Ovary:  Where the eggs  hang out until released into the fallopian tube.  Interesting fact,  girls are born with all the eggs they will ever have whereas guys are not born with sperm.  Guys begin making sperm at puberty.

Fallopian Tubes:  The tubes that go from the ovaries to the uterus (one on each side – 2 ovaries, 2 fallopian tubes, one uterus).  These are the tubes in which the egg  travels from the ovary into the uterus.  This is also where sperm meets the egg to create a pregnancy.

Uterus:  This is the organ right behind the zipper of your pants.  This is where a fetus (a developing infant) would develop during a pregnancy.

Endometrium:  The lining of the uterus. This builds up throughout a woman’s cycle.  If there is a pregnancy, the fertilized egg will stick onto the endometrium lining.  If there is no pregnancy,  the endometrium will be shed (which is what period blood is).  Therefore, when pregnant women don’t have their period because their body is using the endometrium lining.

Cervix:  This is the opening to the uterus  and at the top of the vagina (we will talk about that shortly).  The cervix is round and has a small opening in the center, just big enough to let fluid (menstrual blood,  semen, and bacteria) flow in or out.  Nothing else  can get past there. Not condoms, not tampons, not sex toys… nothing  (that is, unless a baby is being born).  In fact, have you ever heard the term “dilated to such and such number” when a woman is giving birth???  They are referring to that tiny hole in the cervix opening up so a baby can pass through.   For more information about the cervix, check out this really cool website  My Beautiful Cervix.

Vagina:  People often use the term vagina for describing the external (outside) part of female anatomy. However, that’s actually called the vulva (I will tell you more about the vulva next week).  The vagina is the stretchable passage that connects the cervix (opening to the uterus) to the outside of the body.  The vagina has three functions: to allow menstrual flow to leave the body (this is where a tampon would go if a woman chose to use tampons), to allow sexual penetration to occur (example: where a penis would go during heterosexual sex), and to allow a baby to pass through during vaginal delivery.

Rectum:  The lowest end of the intestine before the anus, where solid waste (poop) is stored before leaving the body through the anus (see below).

Anus:  Exit point for solid waste.   (Often called the butt-hole – where poop leaves the body.)  Some people enjoy having anal sex.  Don’t know what that is??  Check out my previous  about anal sex.

Bladder:  Where urine (pee) collects before it leaves the body.

Urethra:  The tube from which we urinate (pee).  It’s the tube that connects the bladder to the urethral opening (pee hole).

Pubic Bone:  The bone inside a woman’s body that supports her internal sex and reproductive organs.

I know this information can be a bit confusing so don’t hesitate to ask for clarification. Also check out Planned Parenthood for some cool interactive diagrams.  Looking forward to telling y’all about the external reproductive anatomy of a female: the VULVA!!!!

In happiness & health,


P.S. Thanks to Merck for the easy to understand diagrams!

Reviewed by Grace Shih, MD

It curves to the left…ummmm….is something wrong with me? También en español!

Okay, first I must apologize for not posting last week.  There was some technical difficulties with HTML that was making the site look wonky. I may be a reproductive health expert but I am no bueno at computer stuff.  Again, I apologize.  That being said, I am so excited to be back at it!

This week instead of a long written post, I want to share a video.  I originally was going to talk all about anatomy but before I did, I wanted you to know something: YOU ARE NORMAL.  Does your penis curve to one side? NORMAL.  Is one breast bigger than the other? NORMAL.  Do you have lots of pubic hair?? Just a little bit?? It’s all NORMAL!!

So before I give you a break down of what it all is and how it all works, I want you to know that you are NORMAL.

También incluí el video en español.  Just Ask Shawna y el Centro de Salud de Nueva Generación son bilingües.  Usted puede hacer preguntas en español también!

In happiness & health,


Playing with the Gender Spectrum

Hi Shawna,

I’ve recently realized that I like hooking up with guys. I don’t think I’m gay as I mostly like hooking up with people that identify as women and ask to be treated as women, they just happen to have cocks. Although I have a girlfriend that is very queer friendly I am wondering if I should bring it up with her? We’ve talked about having threesomes before, do I tell her this is something I’m into?


Hi CB,

Thanks for writing!  And what a good question!  I want to first say that I specialize in providing sexual health information, rather than advice.  That means,  I try and steer more towards information that is scientifically & medically accurate. Your question seems to be more of an advice type question.  Don’t worry,  I am going to give it my best shot.  In fact,  I am going to have one of New Generation Health Center’s AmeriCorps members help me answer the question.  Her name is Mei-Lani and she is a super knowledgeable Health Educator.

If you have more questions or want more information,  please let me know.  I will do my best to answer or point you in the direction of someone and/or somewhere that can better answer your question.  This is a very good question that has so many possible answers!  First and foremost,  I am a big advocate for communication.  Being open and honest gives everyone the opportunity to make the best decision for themselves as possible.  That being said,  it means being prepared for whatever decision that other person makes.

Let’s break this down a bit.  You have a girlfriend who is queer friendly.  That’s awesome but that doesn’t necessarily mean she will take this news very easily.  Does she know you have been hooking up with other people at all???  That might be the first place to start.  Open relationships can be challenging and aren’t for everybody,  but those who have had successful open relationships often credit honesty and good communication.  It’s important so that everyone feels like their needs are being met and that sexual safety issues are addressed.
It’s also important to acknowledge if you like hooking up with female identified people with male anatomy,  your girlfriend may feel inadequate or unable to completely sexually satisfy you.  During a discussion about this,  you could re-affirm your feelings for her (and attraction to her!) and be loving and supportive if/when she feels insecure or angry.

When starting this conversation with your partner,  it’s important to take it slow.  It sounds like you have a few things to talk about with your girlfriend.  It could be helpful to break it into smaller topics,  like being an open relationship, being sexually attracted to people with a different gender identity, and having a threesome.  Try taking each topic like a different step and then gauge your girlfriend’s thoughts and feelings to each one.

For instance,  rather than asking something,  “Hey ‘Suzy-Q,  how would you feel about a threesome with a male-bodied person who identifies as a woman?,”  you could first ask,  “Hey what are your thoughts on gender? I think it’s more of a spectrum,  especially since it’s self-identified.”  This can open up the discussion about your girlfriend’s ideas and comfort level to your broadening sexual attractions.  From there you can feel out when the time is right to bring up your other topics on an open relationship or on a threesome.

You might find that you have more topics to talk over with her or you might feel like it could be easier to talk about an open relationship before talking about your new found sexual attraction (by the way, I think it’s great that you are really listening to yourself and letting yourself be who you really are!).

For each of these topics, really take a moment to think about what each topic brings up for you.

  • What are your beliefs?
  • What would this mean for your relationship towards your girlfriend?  Do you want to see other people?  How would things be different?  How would they be the same?
  • What are her thoughts?
  • What does this mean for your relationship from her point of view?  Will things change?  What kind of changes would those look like?
Also remember,  that these topics might come up as a surprise for her.  She might not have an opinion right away and when she does sort out her thoughts,  they might be different from yours.  Make sure that you both can honestly communicate how you each feel about things,  but be prepared that this might change your relationship,  for better or for worse.

Okay CB,  this response is getting rather long and I hope I didn’t lose you.  I just want to add that we do have psychologist here at New Gen and we also have lots of other resources to help facilitate this conversation if you’d like.  Keep us posted!

In happiness & health,

Shawna & Mei-Lani

So I heard the IUD… it true???

After last week’s post about the IUD I was flooded with questions (I am sure by now you know I love questions)!  Many of the things people heard were simply not true!!!  Unfortunately there are a lot of misconceptions out there about birth control,  especially the IUD,  so I want to use this week’s post to clarify some of the most common IUD myths.

Myth:  It can only be used by women who have had children.

Fact:  The IUD is a totally acceptable form of birth control for women who have not had children.  We insert them all the time here at New Gen in women who have not had children.

Myth: The IUD can only be used by women of a certain age.

Fact:  Nope, not true.  Age is not a factor when considering an IUD.

Myth:  It can make a woman infertile (unable to have babies in the future).

Fact:  The effects of the IUD are totally reversible.  Once you get the IUD taken out the chances of getting pregnant are the same as they were before the IUD was put in.

Myth:  It causes an increase chance of PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease).

Fact:  This is an outdated thought.  Many studies have confirmed that the risk of infection and infertility among IUD users is very low.  When PID in an IUD user does occur,  the PID is caused by (recognized or unrecognized) an STD not by the IUD itself.  At New Gen we screen all our patients for STD’s before inserting the IUD.

Myth:  A woman who was using an IUD became pregnant.  The IUD became embedded in the baby’s forehead.

Fact:  The IUD is very effective,  so it is really unlikely to get pregnant when you are using it (remember, nothing but abstinence is 100% effective at preventing pregnancy)!  If a woman does gets pregnant with an IUD in place,  the health provider will remove the IUD immediately due to the risk of miscarriage.  In addition,  the fetus is very well-protected by the sac filled with amniotic fluid inside the mother’s womb.  If for some reason the IUD is left in place during a pregnancy,  it is usually expelled with the placenta or with the baby at birth.

Myth:  The IUD might travel inside a woman’s body to her heart or her brain.

Fact:  There is no passage from the uterus to the other parts of the body.  The IUD is placed inside the uterus and unless it is accidentally expelled (falls out of the uterus),  it stays there until removed by a trained health care provider.

And these are just a few of the misconceptions!  There are most definitely plenty more.

What have you heard about the IUD?

In happiness & health,


Reviewed by Grace Shih, MD